Jobs Packages

Plans that grow with your business


500.0030 Days
  • 1 featured job posting
  • Boost your exposure by featuring your opening(s) on top of all listings
  • Featured Job ad will get an expected and estimated 77% more views
  • Job will be featured for 30 days
  • Use within 30 days
  • GST will be charged extra
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4000.0030 Days
  • 10 featured job postings
  • Boost your exposure by featuring your opening(s) on top of all listings
  • Featured Job ad will get an expected and estimated 77% more views
  • Jobs will be featured for 30 days
  • Package is valid for 1 year
  • GST will be charged extra
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11000.0030 Days
  • 25 featured job postings
  • Boost your exposure by featuring your opening(s) on top of all listings
  • Featured Job ad will get an expected and estimated 77% more views
  • Jobs will be featured for 30 days
  • Package is valid for 1 year
  • GST will be charged extra
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0.0030 Days
  • 10 free job postings in a year
  • Each job will be listed for 30 days
  • Package is valid for 1 year
  • Post expiry of job credit, please purchase additional credit
  • Boost your exposure by purchasing featured packages
  • Featured Job will get an expected & estimated 77% more views
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