7 Etiquette Tips For a Successful Online Interview

Etiquettes For a Successful  Online Interview

Just when we thought we were getting the hang of preparing for offline job interviews, the phenomenon of online interviewing began to become prevalent. The implications of the pandemic-induced lockdown didn’t leave us with many choices, did they? So what can we do? We make adjustments to our preparations. We deal with what we’ve got to the best of our ability.

Online interviews do share a basic understanding of offline interviews. But with communication platforms like Zoom, uncertain factors like our internet connection can play a role in determining the success of our interview. While we may not be able to completely control the uncertainty, we can acquire the necessary etiquettes to present our best possible first impressions to the interviewers.

Let’s start. Understanding the intricacies of online interviews, MicrofinanceJobs.net brings you 7 etiquette tips that can help you land a successful online interview:


Anything when prepared beforehand has a higher chance of producing good results. Similar is the case with online interviews. Start by finding the right spot for your interview. Adjust your seating arrangement which aligns with a clear background without any distracting patterns. Decide on the device you’ll be giving this interview on. Will it be on a laptop? A computer? Choose carefully. Make sure the device doesn’t malfunction during the course of the interview. This is where you do a test run of your device and check for any issues that might arise. Then, you shall proceed to practise for your interview.

Just like an offline interview, practising answering questions to the interviewer’s questions greatly benefits us. The difference is you won’t be facing the interviewers in reality but virtually.

We urge you to sit in front of the screens of your preferred devices, take a note of all the angles, and converse to yourself as if the interview is happening in real life. This will help you get acquainted with the space surrounding the interview. You will get more comfortable being yourself and communicating with the interviewers, rather than worrying about the little things.


Of course, not everyone has the privilege of owning a computer or a laptop, and for those it’s completely understandable to rely on phone screens for the interview. But for those who own multiple devices, we shall advise you to not choose a mobile phone as your preferred mode of virtual communication.

There are several reasons which makes the option of virtually engaging in an online interview via phone a disadvantageous one. Starting from the screen size of the mobile phones, to its associated accessories, the risk factors of an online interview become more uncertain, making your chances of a successful interview more dependable on exterior forces. Please note that this is something that is indeed in your control. Choose the device for your virtual interview wisely. Also, make sure that they are properly charged and updated before you login for your interview.


As we mentioned in the first point, the visible background that faces the screen along with you is an important aspect of determining your first impression. Hence, it becomes increasingly important to consider it while your interview is being conducted.

As it’s always good etiquette to mind the way you present yourself, you must also understand that in virtual interviews you not only present yourself but your whole space. It’s also one of the reasons platforms like Zoom provide virtual backgrounds, to make the interactions easy and interesting. But please be mindful of the nature of these interactions. The virtual interview is conducted in a professional and official setting! Don’t disrespect it by adding cute or imaginative backgrounds. Not a good idea for a first-time meeting.


Web cams can’t exactly match the quality of face-to-face interactions, can they? Not really. Which is why it becomes much more important to provide the interviewer and yourself a close resemblance of real-life lighting. Though you can’t imbibe the naturalness of sunlight in a virtual environment, you can certainly be mindful of the lighting set in your space that allows the interviewer to see you, including your facial expressions, clearly. Make sure it’s not too dark where you’re sitting or too bright. Are the curtains properly set? Is the lighting reflecting the screen and hiding your face? Make a note of all possibilities, and work on resolving them before the day of the interview. Depending on the time of the interview, we advise you to check on the natural window light that determines the colour of your face. If it’s late in the evening, make sure to sit in a room with ample light. If it’s during the day, it’s completely fine to depend on natural light given it doesn’t overshadow you.


In case you’re in the middle of an interview and somehow the tubelight in your room stops working, don’t panic. Although this might automatically remove the light from your face, this is an understandable incident. You couldn’t have known. So what can you do? Try to slowly increase the brightness of your laptop or computer screen. This can help the light from the screen to reflect on your face, so you don’t get lost in the dark completely.


Even in online interviews, your body language is extremely important. A smart body language is determined by your confidence, your self-assurance, and your personality. It will be less easy to communicate this body language virtually since the interviewer can’t view you completely. Depending on that, it’s always a great idea to communicate through an engaging body language visible through your expressions, face nods, and body postures. A good and engaging body language also helps you sound more comfortable and at ease. The interviewer notes this and is more likely to perceive you in a good light. Having said that, do not slouch, or cross your arms. Don’t keep staring at the corner of the room. Make sure the interviewer feels they are being heard by constantly engaging with them and giving them your 100% attention.


Leading from the previous point, we would like to touch upon the topic of ‘eye contact’. Even though eye contact is not real in an online interview, it becomes more important than in offline interviews. It’s one of the ways of letting the interviewer know of your presence. And establishing your presence in an online interview is all it takes to land a successful interview.

We understand how hard it is to determine eye contact online. But we try. And we do so by learning and practising. It’s definitely harder to follow eye contact on video. It seems like you’re looking down below rather than facing the person you’re talking to. So instead of looking at the person directly on-screen, it’s always better to directly look at the webcam. We agree it’s only natural to look at the person’s face while communicating with them, but in virtual cases it can give the impression that you’re staring down the person. Avoid this occurrence. Record how you look while on video beforehand and learn the technicalities of online interviews!


How you handle yourself on losing your internet connection in the middle of the interview is also a way to determine your professionalism and personality. Don’t be nervous if your internet starts to receive low connection over the course of the interview. Just because your screen has started lagging does not mean you will start sweating and lose your patience. The interviewer shall understand you if you try to communicate the issue at hand. Try to make use of the chatbox on Zoom in case you are not audible. Let the interviewers know so they too are on the same page.

In case your voice is lagging, take a pause and then start answering the questions. Don’t jump in the conversation and unintentionally cut off your interviewer(s). Once you truly understand that online interviews work on their own mechanism, one completely different from offline interviews’, you will start to get more familiarised with the way they function. Don’t be nervous. And don’t panic.

Stay calm and think of solutions, rather than focusing on the problems.

So what do you think? Were we, at MicrofinanceJobs.net, able to help you learn some etiquette tips surrounding online interviews? Well, we certainly hope so.

In case you have something to add or have a question to ask, we would love to hear from you. Comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest!

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