6 Major Tips on Improving Employee Engagement

Target achievement and teamwork business concept

Employee Engagement is ever so important in a company, for it suggests the level of satisfaction and motivation that is harboured among the employees.

If your employee feels a certain level of enthusiasm regarding their job, they are more likely to produce better results than average. So do all employees start with that level of potential dedication? Of Course not. The potential needs to be cultivated in employees.

But then again, how do you, as an organisation, achieve that?

How do managers work on improving employee engagement?

MicrofinanceJobs.net is here with answers. Below are 6 major tips for company heads to improve employee engagement in their workspaces:

Be flexible

To start with, let’s talk about being more open to adjusting to employee’s demands in terms of work hours and productivity. Listen if employees tell you that a particular set of hours is overwhelming and exhausting for them. Increase employee engagement by allowing them to speak their concerns and be flexible while implementing decisions concerning your employees.

Work-life balance is of foremost importance in today’s time. Ignoring the same will only make the workspace more rigid and unproductive. Addressing the stress of everyday life and making required changes according to employees’ effectiveness and efficiency is highly important.

Provide Work Clarity

Certainty and Clarity are two flagpoles of a successful work path for your employees and in relation, to the company. Nurturing great employees to become brand ambassadors and providing them with the right opportunities per their career graph motivates them and sustains their interest in their work.

Record performances of your employees in terms of skill improvement and work on ways to engage with their skills and capabilities so that they are, too, able to find a medium to engage with their work and the company in return.

Analyse and Feedback

As mentioned above, recording and analysing the work output of your employees open a forum for discussion and feedback and essentially, engagement. The more frequent the timely feedback, which please note, must be concentrated on constructive suggestions and positive observations rather than plain criticism, the better. This helps employees to positively and healthily engage with their work; improving productivity whilst also retaining an interest in the company.

Creating an environment where performance assessment is not an occasion of stress but engagement is the key to it all.

Focus on Employees’ Professional Relationships

The better the relationships of co-workers, the better kind of job satisfaction and enthusiasm they have about coming into the office and working together.

Work is not conducted in isolation. A company functions based on all employees. It’s a group/team effort. Hence, focusing on the same brings greater benefits for the company as a whole.

Working on and strengthening the relationship among employees increases the team spirit. This means conducting frequent meetings and team building activities and exercises for your employees to engage in and activate their interests in.

When employees enjoy working alongside each other they do enjoy working in general as well.

Minimise Micro-Management

How would you feel if your every move was micro-managed and looked after by your senior in the office? First, the anxiety doesn’t go away, resulting in poor performances. And second, it creates a toxic environment where the employees feel like (rightfully so) their employers do not trust them and are unable to delegate work to them, creating a gap in the relationship between the managers and employees. Does that look like a way to increase employee satisfaction and employee engagement? Not to us.

Identify when general supervision is heading towards micro-management and work to minimise that. Delegate work wherever you can and motivate employees to work on their own accord, building confidence and a sense of professional identity within them. This will lead to better morale, better productivity, and low disengagement and turnover. A win!

Promote Good Health

An employee will greatly benefit from a healthy environment, not just in terms of professionalism but also in terms of promoting good individual physical health, at a company. Workplace and office/corporate culture highly add to a lot of health issues in today’s time, from high stress to high blood pressure to hypertension and fatigue. Organisations need to introduce policies and practices that address these issues and look over the health of their employees.

From conducting seminars to establishing ground rules like taking compulsory breaks in between working hours, availing a set of earned leaves and circulating good eating habits, and stocking office kitchens with healthier food, it’s important to keep a check-in on all.

With this, the aim to create an environment and a culture where employees feel interested to engage is sufficiently achieved.

So what are you waiting for? Note the points above and get to implementation!

We, at MicrofinanceJobs.net, highly believe in the concept of employee engagement, for it is one of the biggest indicators of employee satisfaction and the business conduct of a company.

What do you think? Did you think these points were helpful? Let us know in the comments below!

(Insights taken from the sources 1, 2, and 3)

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