5 TEDx Talks to Watch on Microfinance

Muhammad Yunus

Want to know more about Microfinance? Want to understand it better? Here are 5 TEDx talks on Microfinance, from around the world, to help you. Read on!

The Microfinance Industry has a wide range of information provided on the Internet. It’s not always easy to navigate through it all and grasp an understanding of the unknown. We, at MicrofinanceJobs.net, see you. We know that verbal presentation of topics helps learners effectively interpret information. Therefore, we bring you 5 different TEDx Talks, from different speakers of different countries, to accompany you on this journey.

These are the 5 TEDx Talks on Microfinance you should watch:

  • A History of Microfinance — Muhammad Yunus, at TEDxVienna.

As Tedx describes Prof. Muhammad Yunus, he is a Bangladeshi economist and founder of the Grameen Bank, an institution that provides microcredit to help its clients establish creditworthiness and financial self-sufficiency. In 2006, Yunus and Grameen received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Through his talk, you’ll be able to see how he has reversed the broader tools of capitalism to construct a model to help poor people. He says, “Not only are conventional banks owned by rich people, mostly they’re owned by rich men. So we reversed that. We not only make them owned by the poor people, we make them owned by poor women.”

Want to check out more of Yunus’ talk? We have you covered!

Watch the TEDx Talk here.

  • A new model of microfinance for Africa, and beyond — Viola Llewellyn, at TED Institute

Microfinance models adapt to different ecological climates differently. Viola Llewellyn is here to tell us about the same.

The TED description tells us that Viola Llewellyn is a Fintech entrepreneur, “determined to properly tap into the African continent’s potential for wealth.”

She says, “The traditional methods currently used to evaluate the creditworthiness and the risk profiles of these businesses completely ignore the vast differences and the cultural realities of ethnic and religious groups across the continent.”

The YouTube description also tells us that “her firm, Ovamba, combines AI and local knowledge to develop custom risk models and algorithms, designed for Africa but applicable beyond. Llewellyn’s work means previously overlooked entrepreneurs now have the opportunity to access vital capital to grow their businesses.”

“In digitizing our future, we will preserve the beauty of our culture and unlock the code of our best wealth traits,” she says. “Becoming global citizens gives us a seat at the table as equals.”

Check out the full talk here.

  • How Microfinance Can Help to Combat Poverty — Nirjhar Deb, at TEDxAmericanSchoolOfDoha

A sophomore at American School of Doha, the TEDx description on the video tells us that “Nirjhar proposes what he believes to be a probable solution to prominent poverty: microfinance”. Further, Nirjhar uses his personal experience and encounters with those in poverty to recount the stories of individuals of whom microfinance has helped. The description includes, “Nirjhar educates and formulates important points about the future of the less fortunate in our ever-developing world”.

“The real magic of microfinance can only be really understood once the money is invested,” he says as he talks about the empowering story of Rupak and his mother, who used to cook meals at other people’s houses in India. With the help of microfinance, she now has her own culinary business.

Listen to Nirjhar insights on microfinance here.

  • Rethinking Microfinance — Ethan Wagner, at TEDxColumbiaCollege

Ethan Wagner, founder of 50/50, proposed a goal of finding a better, fairer, and more effective way of using microfinance to help people improve their lives, as per the TEDx talk description.

He talks about his experiences of learning the shortcomings of the traditional model of aid, and asks, “What went wrong?” When he talks about 50/50, he says, “We’re looking at all these microfinance organisations that are having problems and/or contributing to the problems, and we’re doing the opposite…We’re setting interest rates at 0 percent.” His talks echoes the ideas of microfinance that he’s using to enhance the present microfinance climate. You’ll learn a new perception of microfinance through Wagner’s talk. Check out what he has to say here.

  • Story of Annapurna Pariwar microfinance to empowerment — Medha Samant at TEDxIIMRanchi

Taking a look at the description given by TEDx, we see that Dr. Medha Purao Samant is a woman who has decided to devote her life to uplift the poor and downtrodden slum women. It says that “in 1993, she made up her mind to follow in the footsteps of her mother, Padmashree Prematai Purao who had founded the Annapurna Mahila Mandal way back in 1975 with the main objective of making loans available to the inn-workers. Annapurna Pariwar’s main objective is to empower the poor by providing a comprehensive solution to poverty — resulting in an all-round development in terms of finance, health, education and old-age pension”.

For sole-earners who could not give good education to their children, Dr. Medha Purao Samant said, “We started educational sponsorship programmes for their children.” Now, many children have graduated and are earning.

Listen to more of Medha Samant’s experiences and stories of empowerment, right here.

So, what do you think? Have you added these TEDx talks to your watchlist yet? If not, what are you waiting for? If you wish to learn more about Microfinance and Microfinance Jobs, you can always check out our website: https://www.microfinancejobs.net/

If you have any questions, you can reach out to us via mail: contact@microfinancejobs.net


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